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 About AMIGA REPORT     Staff, Copyright information
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 Commercial Online Services Sign-Up Information
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 AR Distribution Sites    Where to get AMIGA REPORT

         //    |                                            |        //
%%%%%%%%//%%%%%| Amiga Report International Online Magazine |%%%%%%%//%%%%%
%%   \\//      | Issue No. 2.07           February 25, 1994 |    \\//    %%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| "Your Weekly Source for Amiga Information" |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    The Editor's Desk      Mail Order Survey        FTP Announcements
    Reader Mail            Dealer Directory         Distribution BBS's
    Amiga News             In Review                The Clipper Chip 
                            SPECIAL FEATURES 

  Emulation Rambler ....................................... Jason Compton
  Amiga in Business ....................................... Andre Perusse                                                                          
  Video Backup System ...................................... John Collier 
  A600 In Use ............................................. Kieth Foldesi
  Slow Machine - Great Display Blues .......................... Roy Teale
  Inexpensive Computers ................................... David Tiberio
  Take Another Look ....................................... Thomas Reamer
  Snow ..and the Amiga ...................................... Sean Graham
  Compact Disks ......................................... David Schofield
%%               DELPHI   PORTAL   FIDO   INTERNET           %%

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